Project Components and Subcomponents
This project integrates water supply development, agriculture (farming and livestock) development, and environmental management with a focus on climate adaptation and climate mitigation. The project will continue to build the capacity of government to provide water, agriculture, and environment services to improve water access, strengthen sustainable livelihoods, and reduce vulnerabilities to extreme climate events. The project comprises four interlinked components: 1. Development of Multiuse Water Sources; 2. Development of Agriculture and Livestock Services around Water Points; 3. Development of Environmental Catchment Services in Project Areas; and 4. Project Management, Community Development and Enhancing Livelihoods Planning.
Support the Development of Multiuse Water Sources
The Ministry of Water and Resources Development in Somaliland will implement this component.
This component aims to improve water availability for domestic use, farming, and livestock, and to address the effects of climate change–exacerbated droughts and floods by developing a slew of water supply infrastructure that provides reliable supply, including small sand and subsurface dams in dry riverbeds (wadis) and surface water storage infrastructure (for example, berkads and hafir dams). By developing water sources, the project will reduce the distance women and girls have to cover to fetch water, freeing up time for productive activities and education, thus addressing the gender gap.
1. Construction of new water points
2. Rehabilitation of existing water points
Development of Agriculture and Livestock Services around Water Points
Ministry of Agriculture development and Ministry of livestock and Rural development will implement this component
This component will be implemented by the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock in Somaliland. It will support interventions aimed at creating and strengthening sustainable and productive livelihoods for communities around water points, ensuring that access to water translates into improved livelihoods while addressing vulnerabilities to flood and drought. It will scale up agriculture support services in the existing approximately 100 sites targeted by Biyoole where water infrastructure has already been installed and Community Investment Plans (CIPs) are available. In the 150 communities targeted in the proposed Barwaaqo project, once the water points are constructed, the priority agricultural services as identified by the CIPs developed under Component 4.2 will be implemented. The agricultural activities supported by the project will improve food security and reduce the gender gap in agricultural and livestock productivity, as well as assets, through several measures targeted towards women and women-owned businesses and collectives.
1. Increased sustainable farming production and development
2. Increase sustainable livestock production and development
3. Institutional and capacity development
Development of Environmental Catchment Services in Project Areas
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Somaliland
This component will be implemented by the Ministries of Environment in Somaliland . It aims to address vulnerabilities to extreme climate events and enhance the benefits from the sustainable management of catchments in project areas. It includes the promotion of rangelands restoration—thus contributing to land degradation neutrality (LDN) and introduction of appropriate practices for sustainable land management (SLM). The project will invest in efforts to restore ecosystems and mitigate, as well as adapt to, climate change. This will not only improve livelihoods and contribute to poverty reduction, but also help to mitigate the effects of Somaliland’s variable climate. It will increase much needed water harvesting opportunities—key to increasing water security and, thus, communities’ resilience to droughts. It will further strengthen the capacity of the different government and community institutions to develop and implement environmental activities and regulations. The Ministry of Environment in Somaliland will implement this component.
1. Environmental Restoration
2. Institutional and capacity development
Project Management, Community Development, and Enhancing Livelihoods Planning
This component will finance the operational costs of the project management units in Somaliland, It will be implemented by the Ministry of Planning and National Development in Somaliland.
1. Project management
2. Community drive development planning
3. M&E, knowledge management and learning
4. Contingent emergency response